A training course on the implementation of European and international quality assurance (ESG) standards was conducted


A training course on the implementation of European and international quality assurance (ESG) standards was conducted

On May 27th, 2024, in the presence of the Minister of Higher Education Dr. Aram Mohammed Qadir and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ava Omar Fatah Director of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development,  A training course on the implementation of European and international quality assurance (ESG) standards was held. In order to establish a quality assurance system based on European and international quality assurance (ESG) standards, a training course (TOT)  was held for the committee to draft guidelines, guidelines and quality assurance standards.

In his speech, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, while congratulating the organizers and preparers of this training course, briefly discussed the quality assurance process in the Ministry of Higher Education and establishing a quality assurance system that supports European and international quality assurance standards He presented the situation in Kurdistan.
In his speech, the Minister of Higher Education said: This training course is a golden opportunity for the participants to become trainers in the implementation of the ESG Bologna Process, which we hope to conduct various courses, seminars and conferences for our universities.
In a speech, Dr. Mohammed Hussein, Chairman of the Quality Assurance and Supervision Agency and Chairman of the Committee. In order to develop guidelines for quality assurance, he pointed out the steps to start the project, which is to obtain an international fund by the Supervisory and Quality Assurance Agency for this project with the cooperation and coordination of Spark International. In another part of the course, several topics were presented and discussed by international trainers.


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