Directorate of Teaching
Quality Assurance TQA

The Directorate of Teaching Quality Assurance has officially started its activities in 2010. It has successfully functioned so far and has had a positive impact on the process of education.
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Director’s Word

Welcome to the Directorate of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development at the University of Sulaimani. As the director, I am honored to lead a dedicated team committed to improving the quality of education at our esteemed institution.
Our goal is to enhance the quality of education by attaining a position of distinction that not only establishes our institution as a leader in the nation but also endeavors to improve our global university ranking. We are focused on continuous improvement, collaborating with faculty, departments, and colleges to ensure that our educational programs meet the highest standards.
Our dedication to providing students with a vibrant and enriching learning experience is at the center of our efforts. We seek to equip students for success in a fast-changing world through rigorous curriculum development, proactive quality assurance procedures, and a commitment to staying updated on educational developments.
I welcome you to learn more about our initiatives, programs, and the collaborative attitude that characterizes our directorate. Let us work together to create a future in which education has no boundaries and our university is a symbol of academic excellence.

Thank you for being part of our journey.

Dr. Ava Omar Fatah

Assistant Professor
Director, Directorate of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development

About Us

Who We Are

The Directorate of Teaching Quality Assurance has officially started its activities in 2010. It has successfully functioned so far and has had a positive impact on the process of education. The Directorate has an active role in improving educational process, enhancing students’ scientific abilities, and improving the educational capabilities of the teaching staff. This is achieved by the means of a number of mechanisms suggested by the Ministry as well as other faithful people to the TQA process.

Our Vision

To be a center of excellence in curriculum development and internal quality assurance, fostering continuous improvement in educational programs.

Our Mission

Improve the quality of education at the University of Sulaimani to maintain its position as the top institution in the country and raise its global university rating.


1. Program Development: Implement and continuously enhance educational programs that align with the highest standards, promoting academic excellence.

2. Operational Excellence: Ensure efficient functioning of the Directorate, collaborate with college departments, and facilitate seamless coordination within the university.

3. Continuous Improvement: Embrace a cyclical process of curriculum development, course reviews, subject outlines, and assessment methods, fostering an environment of continual enhancement.

4. Professional Development: Facilitate ongoing training and development for faculty, emphasizing the importance of staying current with advancements in their respective fields.

5. External Recognition: Aim to achieve recognition and improve university rankings by actively engaging in conferences, workshops, and building collaborations with other schools.

6. Quality Assurance: Implement robust quality assurance mechanisms, including student feedback, external assessment, and continuous academic development, to ensure and enhance educational quality.
Who We Are

Latest Activity

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Workshop held on developing ESG standards in Bologna Process

On March 7th, 2024, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ava Omar Fatah Director of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development and Mrs. Rezhin Sarbast Majeed as a member of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development participated in a workshop organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Agency to review and develop guidelines on quality assurance according to the European Quality Assurance Standards (ESG) under the title (Developing Standards and Guidelines of Quality Assurance for Kurdistan Region Universities in light of ESG) in Tishk International University. The workshop was attended by the Chairman and members of the Ministry’s High Committee for Review and Design of ESG-based Quality Assurance System and a significant number of teachers from public and private universities in the Kurdistan Region Experts in the field of quality assurance and the Bologna Process were present. The aim of this workshop was to reform and make changes in the quality assurance system of higher education institutions and link it to European quality assurance guidelines and standards Type of all academic, scientific and administrative activities in educational institutions. In an article, Dr. Mohammed Hussein Ahmad, Head of the Supervision and Quality Assurance Agency of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Head of the High Committee for Drafting Guidelines on Quality Assurance based on European ESG guidelines and standards. He mentioned that the Ministry has unveiled its strategy for implementing the Bologna Process in Kurdistan’s universities and has exerted significant efforts to ensure its success. Emphasizing the need for European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) to be adapted to the culture of the Kurdistan Region, he highlighted the involvement of universities, faculty, students, and other stakeholders in this process. Furthermore, he highlighted the Ministry’s ongoing efforts in developing ESG-based quality assurance standards and guidelines, urging all educational institutions under the Ministry to enhance the implementation of the Bologna Process based on these guidelines. This workshop, part of the activities of the High Committee for Drafting Guidelines on Quality Assurance, chaired by the Supervision and Quality Assurance Agency, underscores the commitment to aligning with European quality assurance standards.


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Evaluation and Feedback

Student Feedback

This is one of the mechanisms that indicate teaching staff qualifications. Students are given feedback forms containing a list of questions and asked to provide their feedback on the qualifications of their teaching staff according to a specified range (from 1-5). Student feedbacks can be an indicative of the teaching competence and performance of the teaching staff.

Student Feedback

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